School Counselors
Allen Brook School (Pre-K - 2)
Heather Scandale
Williston Central School (3-8)
Chris Ford, MS
Danielle Morin, MS
Kim Odachowski
Counseling Services
School counseling services are designed to address the developmental needs of ALL students and are integrated into the regular school program. Our goal is to work collaboratively with teachers, parents, and students to ensure that all students are able to be successful in school. Services are found in each of the components of our school counseling program: Counseling (small group and individual), Teaching (standards-based developmental lessons), Coordination, Consultation, Information Management, and Professional Development.
Services include:
- Classroom Education for ALL students (CVSD Curriculum Frameworks)
- Small Group Support - Issues may include: changing families, stress, friendship, loss, assertiveness skills, confidence, teen issues, etc.
- Individual, short term counseling.
- Crisis prevention and intervention.
- Consulting with parents, teachers and administrators.
- Consulting and coordinating with other student support personnel.
- Coordinating school-wide prevention events.
- Registering and placing new students.
- Managing student records.
- Coordinating the placement and transition of students into Kindergarten, from team to team, and to Champlain Valley Union High School.
- New family tours and orientation.
- Coordinating and/or facilitating parent education workshops.
- Observing and monitoring students' social, emotional, and behavioral levels (e.g. self-esteem, attention issues, etc)
- Facilitating EST (Educational Support Team) meetings.
- Facilitating programs (CVU Big Buddy, LEAD, Homework Club).
- Maintaining collection of books for parents and students to borrow addressing many issues including anxiety, ADHD, friendship, depression, discipline, changing families, teenage years, raising girls, and raising boys.
For more information about our services, please contact your child's School Counselor.
Mental Health Resource Guide
FIRST CALL (24 hr. crisis response in Chittenden County) 488-7777
- Phone support and assessment
- In home/school assessments
- Screening for emergency bed/hospitalization placement
- Resource and referral info
Children and Family Mental Health Treatment Programs
Howard Center, Child, Youth and Family Services 488-6600
- First Call
- Outpatient therapy
- Case management
- IFBS (Intensive Family Based Services)
- Early Childhood program
- School Services (social workers placed in schools)
- Baird School
- Jarret House, Emergency/assessment beds (6-14 y.o.)
NFI (Northeastern Family Institute) 658-0040
- Crisis beds/assessment beds
- Homebased Wraparound services
- Case management
- Outpatient counseling
Centerpoint Adolescent Treatment Services 488-7711
- Mental health counseling for teens
- Coping skills groups for teens
- Substance abuse treatment
- Parenting skills groups
Spectrum Youth and Family Services 862-5396
- Health services for teens
- Mental health services for teens and parents
- Case management for transition age youth
- GED and JOBS programs
- Substance abuse treatment
Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Spectrum Youth and Family Services 864-7424
Comprehensive health and mental health services for transition age youth and runaways
Centerpoint Adolescent Treatment Center 488-7711
Substance use assessment and treatment
Valley Vista (adolescents and adults) (802) 222-5201
Residential and detoxification programs
Inpatient Mental Health Treatment
Brattleboro Retreat (5-18 yr.) (800) 738-7328
Brattleboro, Vermont
CVPH (Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital) (518) 561-6000
NFI (North Eastern Family Institute) 655-8833
Hospital Diversion (13-18 yr.)
Howard Center, Child, Youth and Family Services 488-6600
Emergency beds “Jarett House” (5-13 yr.)
Outpatient Therapeutic Groups
These are constantly changing, some of the topics covered are “girls self-esteem” “art therapy” “parenting” “relationships” “fatherhood” “sexual acting out” “fire starting” etc. Agencies that frequently offer these groups include: Howard Center, Centerpoint, VNA, Prevent Child Abuse Vermont.
Social Services (housing, financial assistance, food, etc.)
211 Vermont (human resource help line and website) #211 (phone)
Department of Mental Health, Agency of Human Services, Vermont
Outpatient Counselors
National website with therapist listings, descriptions and photos
An on-line mental health resource for Chittenden County parents, guardians, schools, and other child serving professionals.
There are many independent therapists in Vermont. These are some of the larger practices in the Burlington area:
Vermont Center for Children, Youth and Families 847-2224
Behavior Therapy Center (UVM) 656-2661
CBT focus/individual therapy and parent training
FAHC Psychological Services 847-3634
CBT informed therapy
Howard Center, Child, Youth and Family Services 488-6600
Children and families
Vermont Center for Integrative Therapy 658-9440
Networks 863-2495
Individual and Family Therapy
NFI “Family Center” 658-3924
Adolescents and families (attachment/trauma focus)
Otter Creek Associates 865-3450
Spectrum Youth and Family Services 862-5396 x310
Stone House Counseling 654-7607