School Day
Allen Brook School
School starts at 7:50am
School day: 7:35am - 2:35pm
Morning bus unloading 7:35
Parent drop off 7:25 - 7:50. Students arriving after 7:50 should report to the main office for a late pass. Students arriving before 7:35 will wait in the cafeteria.
Wednesday Early Dismissal: Buses will depart ABS at 1:35. Student Pick-up by car: approximately 1:30 - 1:40 pm. Details to follow in the school start-up mailing.
Williston Central School
School starts at 8:00am
School day: 7:45am - 2:45pm
Morning bus unloading 7:45
Parent drop off 7:40 - 8:00. Students arriving after 8:00 should report to the main office for a late pass. Students arriving before 7:45 will wait in designated locations with supervising staff before being released to classrooms at 7:45.
Wednesday Early Dismissal: Buses will depart WCS at 1:45. Student Pick-up by car: approximately 1:40 - 1:50 pm. Details to follow in school start-up mailing.
Tardy or Early Dismissal
All incidents of tardiness and early dismissal must be excused by the parent or guardian, either through a note, telephone call, or email. Any child who is to be dismissed is to be met by the parent/guardian in the main office.
Absence from School
If it is necessary for your child to miss school for any reason, please call the school before 9:00 AM to report the absence. The school practice is to call home in the event of an unexplained absence in order to ensure the safety of the children.
ABS front office: 871-6200
WCS front office: 871-6100
Students arriving late need to sign in at the office to be sure they are removed from the absentee list.
Wednesday Early Dismissal
Students will be dismissed from school one hour earlier every Wednesday, to allow for Teacher Professional Development.